The ten best moments for humans’ bodies

The ten best moments for humans’ bodies

⒈   The best moment for brushing teeth


The best moment for brushing teeth is the 3mimutes after this time,the bacteria in your mouth begin to decompose the food residue,and then it will produce acidic materials which will decay and dissolve the dental enamel.consequently,it will do harm to the teeth.

⒉The best time for a tea

The best time for a tea is after-meal’s unscientific to have tea immediately after meals;because the tannic acid in the tea-leaves can mix the iron and then transform into the insoluble iron salt,which is disturbed the aborption of iron and lead anemia.

⒊The best time for a milk

Milk is full of calcium,which is good for sleep and old people’s bones.

⒋The best time for having fruit


The best time for having fruit is before-meal 1h;because the fruit is omophagia.if you have omophagia before cooked food, the white blood cell in your body won’t increase,and then it will good for protect your immune system.

⒌The best time for basking


8 to 1o a.m and 4 to 7p.m are the best time for basking.They are the perfect time for UVA,which are able to produce vitaminD,and then strengthen your bodies’ immuse system.


⒍  The best time for beauty

The vigorous time for metabolize of skin is from 24 to 6a.m ,so you can use your cosmetics before sleep,and then it will accelerate the metabolism and smooth your skin.

⒎ The best time for a walk

It is good for lose weight to walk by the speed of 4.8km "h for 20mimutes when you finish your meals after 45min and 60min.and if our take a walk after meal 2h,it will be better.

⒏  The best time for a shower

Taking a warm water shower before sleeping(35℃~45℃) can relax the muscles and the joint of the entire body.It accelerates the blood circulation and helps you fall in a peaceful sleep.

⒐ The best time for sleeping

A nap starts from 13 o'clock at the's the time when the body feeling goes down and be easy to fall asleep.It's the best to go to bed between 22 and 23 o'clock.It is because the deep sleep time is between 24 and 3 am.,and people fall into deep sleep one and a half hour after falling asleep.

⒑The best time for mens air max 90 for sale

Doing exercise at nightfall is at the best,it’s because the physical force and the adaptability of human beings are perfect between afternoon and nightfall. At that time,the sense of tasting,hearing,seeing are the most sensitive.In addition, the coordination of human bodies is the best ,especially the heart rate and blood pressure are at their best.

Par cheapairmax2011 le jeudi 21 juillet 2011


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